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About Us

I should start off first with where the name Oh SEW peachy came from....


I learned to sew at 8 years old from my grandmother and my mom. About 10 years ago I started making little girls clothing, I first was sewing to have a hobby and make a little extra money, that then went on to embroidery a few years later. That tells you where the SEW in Oh Sew Peachy came from. Well, one afternoon at swimming lessons for my oldest, my friend showed up rocking an amazing hat. I thought it was so cute so I decided to make myself a hat. Then my friends started placing orders and before I knew it my facebook page of 1,200 followers had grown to over 10,000 literally overnight. I stopped sewing as the hat orders were flying in.


I have three amazing children, 2 boys Taylor (12) and Benjamin (10) and a daughter, Katherine (8). Once Katherine was born I decided I just missed the girly clothing and it now had a purpose now that I actually have a daughter! Then Kate and Olive was born, my other company with a friend Celina (who also helps out OSP quite a bit including her and her husband creating this lovely website for your shopping enjoyment). A lot of you have met Celina at shows, as she has been helping out with OSP since nearly the beginning!


I have enjoyed (almost) every minute of running these businesses and LOVE being able to create new products! My husband would like me to stop creating new businesses but we will see what the future holds! I LOVE meeting new customers, both online and in the shop. I so appreciate all you all have done for me and my family by supporting my don't know how much that means to me!


I work pretty much every waking moment of every day when I am not spending time with my children, I try and squeeze in a little time for fun with my girlfriends and also for my husband who has been incredibly supportive of my work. That being said, I try to respond to emails right away but hopefully this website will help the ordering process run much more smoothly!


Check out my Facebook pages:

Oh Sew Peachy

Kate and Olive

Oh Sew Peach VIP Group


Please email me with any questions, comments or concerns

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